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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2006
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Default BUGS in BSplayer v1.41.832 (Normal/Pro)

1. As mentioned before, still can't add file extensions using "-" (like DVR-MS).
2. At least subtiles "split line if too long" option is not remembered upon installing.
3. As stated on news page: Update: If you downloaded BSplayer before 25.03.2006 18:10 (UTC/GMT), please redownload (option 'Allow multiple instances' was always enabled, skin was not remembered)
Skin is not remembered, but multiple instances is not always enabled ??? Weird.
4. I am runing single user XP instalation, can anybody confirm where configuration files are saved (seems not in user's folder).

Bug at 2. confirmed with 25.03.2006 build 831

5. If you enable in playlist options "full screen" single file loading go to full screen even if this option is not enabled in video options.
6. At least romanian lang pack is really outdated (dec 2005) even if newer version were send to BSPlayer team and posted onto the forum. (same thing for italian and netherlands files :( if you know what I mean)
7. BSPlayer still not capable to initialise my TV card by itself (virtualdub can, windvd creator can)
8. Invalid position at top of taskbar when reopening still present.
9. Subtitle position not remembered after upgrading. Even it's -15, subtitle start to be displayed from bottom of screen after upgrade in full screen. Smalles action put the subtitle in place, where it should be with -15 position.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2006
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Thx Tizio for your help.
We are working on 2.0 version very hard.

Take care.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2006
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Wrong topic

Anyway, I think most of us are happy to know you are working hard on ver. 2.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
Wrong topic

Anyway, I think most of us are happy to know you are working hard on ver. 2.
LOL you're right XD
Unfortunally now it's too late to test this release..
Tizio's comments will arrive itomorrow :P

Good work adicoto, you stated a lot of issues :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Default Re: BUGS in BSplayer v1.40.831 (Normal/Pro)

Originally Posted by adicoto
3. As stated on news page: Update: If you downloaded BSplayer before 25.03.2006 18:10 (UTC/GMT), please redownload (option 'Allow multiple instances' was always enabled, skin was not remembered)
Skin is not remembered, but multiple instances is not always enabled ??? Weird.
:?: :?: :?:
Do you refer to the actual release or to the one released before 25.03.2006 18:10 (UTC/GMT)?
With actual release (build 831) skin is remembered and "Allow multiple instances" is not enabled.

Originally Posted by adicoto
4. I am runing single user XP instalation, can anybody confirm where configuration files are saved (seems not in user's folder).
I'm running single user XP installation too, and BSplayer settings are still saved in UserProfile folder (X:\Documents and Settings\CURRENT_USER\Applications Data\BSplayer [Pro])

Originally Posted by adicoto
5. If you enable in playlist options "full screen" single file loading go to full screen even if this option is not enabled in video options.
Sorry, but I didn't understand this... :?
To me it seems all works ok for this, but maybe I really didn't understand what you meant.. :oops:

Originally Posted by adicoto
6. At least romanian lang pack is really outdated (dec 2005) even if newer version were send to BSPlayer team and posted onto the forum. (same thing for italian and netherlands files :( if you know what I mean)
Confirmed :(

Originally Posted by adicoto
7. BSPlayer still not capable to initialise my TV card by itself (virtualdub can, windvd creator can)
My tuner device (Pinnacle PCTV, SAA7134 chipset) is correctly initialized as in last 2 releases...
Probably the routines used to initialize the tuner device are not compatible with all the boards..
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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- If the "Borderless play window" and "Don't remember movie window position" options are enabled, movie window is displayed at coordinates (0,0).
If the "Borderless play window" option is DISabled and "Don't remember movie window position" option is ENabled, movie window is displayed at coordinates choosed by Windows.
It seems that for bordless window the routine initialize the window as Manual positioning at coordinates (0,0); while with bordwith window the routine initialize the window as Default Windows positioning.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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3. I am refering to build 830, not 831.
5. Go to options->preferencies->playlist and enable full screen for playlist. Now open a file normally, not a playlist. It goes full screen, even if in option->preferences->video full screen is not enabled.
7. As the last 20 or something builds, TV tuner is not initialized. Some 4-5 builds did managed to open the tuner on the second attempt. It is possible that no build ob BSPlayer can initialize my tuner, but I can't remember when I got my tuner. Some 2 years ago. But at that time I wasn't so annoyed by this.

10. I intend to start a new test concerning capture capabilityes using newest codecs.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
5. Go to options->preferencies->playlist and enable full screen for playlist. Now open a file normally, not a playlist. It goes full screen, even if in option->preferences->video full screen is not enabled.
Oh, now I have understood wat you meant :)
I think it's not a bug.. since when you enable the "Full screen" option in Playlist section, you tell BSplayer to set the fullscreen option to all the Movie files you'll add to the playlist from that moment on. And since when you start a single file it is added at the playlist, BSplayer assigns to it the fullscreen option.
What Playlist-section "Full screen" option doesn't do, is to change the Fullscreen state of already added files, but only to furter added files, and in my opinion this is the right way to do this..

Originally Posted by adicoto
7. As the last 20 or something builds, TV tuner is not initialized. Some 4-5 builds did managed to open the tuner on the second attempt. It is possible that no build ob BSPlayer can initialize my tuner, but I can't remember when I got my tuner. Some 2 years ago. But at that time I wasn't so annoyed by this.
I had that problem too, I was able to initialize the tuner device only by opening BSplayer twice or similar procedures.
But since v1.37 the problem (for my device) has been solved.
I think BSplayer devs have to look furter into this since it's a PRO feature that BSplayer Pro users have paid for!

Originally Posted by adicoto
10. I intend to start a new test concerning capture capabilityes using newest codecs.
:D I'll wait for this! I'm really interested!!
oh, and sorry adicoto since I've not made the TVChannels converter, but once I started the project I was claimed to do a lot of things, and then I had been too much busy to continue the converter..
BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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I intend to compare the results with the ones I've done one year ago, to see if there any changes, in good or bad.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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- Audio: (Since tv capture exists) If for example audio source is Line-in and in "Capture settings" Line-in is selected, there is a sort of echo, this is because BSplayer sound is delayed in respect of Line-in one, and don't use Line-in sound only, but overlap Line-in sound with BSplayer sound
- (BUG?) Italian (antenna) region doesn't work in the Italian territoty (wrong frequencies? GERMANY settings works fine in Italian territory [NOTE: DScaler's Italian settings works ok])
- Once you open a page in the Teletext window, it is no more reachable until you restart the computer, every new page (subpage also) is readable (once) but already opened are no more readable since the teletext search enters an endless loop
- If the Output size height is greater than 288pixels, then while capturing the video displayed is BLACK (the file is correctly captured, but it's not possible to view the video while capturing).
NOTE!! This height value depends from the Color space used for the capture process. 288 is the one for the default color space (UYVY).
While capture if for example the color space choosen is YV12, the video displayed is black for all the video height size I tried.
- If RGB32 (but I think also for other colorspaces) color space is choosen, then the image is flipped vertically! This is due to the format in which RGB data is stored (from bottom to top), but BSplayer should be able to manage this behaviour.
- When capturing videos, if the PAUSE button is pressed the displayed captured size freezes, but number of frames captured and seconds elapsed continues counting, then re-pressing the PAUSE button the size counter continues counting, but the resultant captured file is BAD! The playback is ridicolously fast and the audio is out of sync
This appens with NO Compression filters, and ONLY if the PAUSE button is pressed.
Originally Posted by BST
Known bug, it will be fixed
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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My intention to test the capture function dyed with BSPlayer:

BSplayer v1.40.831, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0055C080
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
If you have internet connection, it's recommended to send error report, this will help us solve problems faster.
Floating point division by zero
Call stack: 00000000,0055C080,0040482B,0055F76E,0055FEA6,0055F 61A,005843BA,004AA8F5,0048790D,00428D98,0049418F,0 05AA460
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Default Re: BUGS in BSplayer v1.40.831 (Normal/Pro)

Originally Posted by adicoto
2. At least subtiles "split line if too long" option is not remembered upon installing..............
Bug at 2. confirmed with 25.03.2006 build 831.
Cannot confirm for WinMe (build 831).
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Ancient bug still there (either top/left or bottom/right borders shown in full screen):
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
My intention to test the capture function dyed with BSPlayer:

BSplayer v1.40.831, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0055C080
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
If you have internet connection, it's recommended to send error report, this will help us solve problems faster.
Floating point division by zero
Call stack: 00000000,0055C080,0040482B,0055F76E,0055FEA6,0055F 61A,005843BA,004AA8F5,0048790D,00428D98,0049418F,0 05AA460
What were you doing when you had this error message?
Which compression were you using?
I tried to capture without compression and it workes fine (only bug was when the Pause button was pressed during the capture process)

Originally Posted by BSPeter
Ancient bug still there (either top/left or bottom/right borders shown in full screen):
I can't confirm this.. :(
Neither in old versions..
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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- If you change language, the BSZ extension is not fully associated to BSplayer (double-click on Skin file will bring you up an Open with window), but if you open the association window of Windows (Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> BSZ -> Advanced) you'll see that all the informations are inserted correctly, and by pressing the OK button all will works fine.
- If the "Disable skinned windows" option in Skin section is checked, then also the Menus lost the skinned feature (even if the "Disable skinned menus" option is UNchecked)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Tizio wrote:
What were you doing when you had this error message?

I was selecting video compressors to list them in a file. After Ligos Indeo video 5.10 I wasn't able to re-elect other filter/compresor. Closing BSPlayer was the end of it. Now it won't open any more. I'll get it to work but not now, I am a little bit busy.

Here is the list I was writing: :D

Capture device, as stated by BSPlayer: Conexant capture.
Tuner device: PixelView PlayTV, using BT 878A chipset
Audio device: Realtek AC97

Compressors found by BSPlayer and video encoding format
MS screen encoder DMO: MSS1
WMVideo9 encoder DMO: WMV 1, 2, 3 and P
WMVideo Advanced Encoder DMO: WMVA and WVP2
MS screen 9 encoder DMO: MSS2
3ivX D4 video encoder DS
DivX encoder filter DS
DV video encoder DS
ffdshow video encoder DS
Indeo video 5.10 compresion filter DS (when accesing got an error message)

Tizio wrote:
I can't confirm this..
Neither in old versions..

Neither do I in this version. Older versions do have this bug (not in borderless window)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
Neither do I in this version. Older versions do have this bug (not in borderless window)
.. :oops: not tried with the borderwith window..
Thanks for the info


- It's unpossible to set framerates below 25fps and higher than 30fps.
- If you use the arrow-buttons (the ones at the right of the setted fps) you can raise the number of fps up to 30, then if you click again the UP arrow, the number setted starts to decrease instead of increase. This until you reach the starting value of 25fps..
It seems like the routine used here tells to increase the number until it reaches 30, then every time it's pressed furter, it tells to show the actual fps-1 (by thinking that if you click the up arrow the number becomes 31 => the routine try to do 31-1=30 [max number]) but this approch it's really bad (if implemented this way). To confirm my theory there is the fact that once you click the down arrow you are able again to raise the fps number (up to 30, or to 30 - number of times you pressed the up arrow after you reached 30.. don't know if it's always like this.. it acts really strange.. )

Originally Posted by Tizio
- If you try to do a frame-by-frame seek (PAUSE+ARROWS) when you go forward (RIGHT ARROW) for example by 5 seconds, then go backward (LEFT ARROW) and then forward again (RIGHT ARROW) to restart the frame-by-frame seeking, then all the frames after the one you ended with before restarting the frame-by-frame seek will not be displayed, only new one (all these actions have to be made without restarting the playback).
It seems that in last build something has been done, since for circa 25-50 frames all works good, but after that amount of frames, the frame-by-frame operation starts to slow down and the behaviour is the same as reported in my quoted message
- If you open the subtitle editor while a movie is playing, and when the movie is finished another movie is played, the previous subtitles lines are still ahown and higlighted in the subtitle's editor
- If you change language after the chapters are loaded the menu item caption "Chapters" becomes "Previous" and also after changing language again it behaves as the "Previous" string
- An error occours if you try to randomize the playlist, no matter which kind of files you have loaded
- When the MovieWindow's top border coordinates are minor than -25 pixels (for example if top border is out of the top screen border by 50 pixels), and the movie window is manually resized, then after resizing, the movie window new dimensions are equal to "the movie window resized width"x"the movie window resized height+25pixels", and the video image is stretched even if the Keep aspect ratio option is selected. (as said only by manually resize the window by dragging the movie borders makes this bug happens, if you use keyboard shortcuts, or the mouse wheel the error doesn't occours)

The equalizer style has changed..
- There is a grey box that covers part of the right label saying the amount of dB setted per band..

- About Window -> version, Registered to, Icons created by, (Language) by (translator), Month abbrevations
- Cancel in the "Please wait..." window
- Playlist (right pane when selecting TV tuner channels) -> tuner:
- Explorer shell menu item -> Play (is it a BSplayer item or not? Anyone can confirm?)
- (when .ogm files are opened) Menu -> Audio -> Audio streams -> -- Ogm streams --
- Free for non-commercial use (but I think that I know why you don't want to add this string to the translatable ones :Wink: )

- All the subtitle editor menu items
NOTE!! these not working translations behave weirdly.. by following BSPeter's tips I found out these steps to reproduce/fix the problem:
If I open a movie that has a subtitle file with the same name -> results the subtitle file is automatically opened by BSplayer -> subs editor menu items are ALWAYS in English.
If I open a movie and BSplayer automatically loads subtitles, the bug occours.
If I open another movie (or don't let BSplayer to automatically load subs) and then I load external subtitles -> subs editor menu items will be correctly translated
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Tizio wrote:
If I open a movie that has a subtitle file with the same name -> results the subtitle file is automatically opened by BSplayer -> subs editor menu items are ALWAYS in English.

Can't confirm this. Working OK in here. Menus are translated.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
Tizio wrote:
If I open a movie that has a subtitle file with the same name -> results the subtitle file is automatically opened by BSplayer -> subs editor menu items are ALWAYS in English.

Can't confirm this. Working OK in here. Menus are translated.
After you wrote this I tried again.. and now the lines are not translated even if I load manually a subtitle file..
It seems that on my PC the subtitle editor's menu lines are not translated.. :?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2006
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- In playlist mode, enlarge File name tab until you get a horizontal scroll bar, go to right using the scrollbar and undo the enlarging of the tab. In the left side of the File name tab it will appear a small blank space. Nothing important, rather cosmetic, but is there.
- Enqueue multiple files call doesn't work correctly when BSplayer is closed (only if BSplayer was closed before the enqueue process)

- I don't know if this affects everybody or only me, but when you open the "File types" preferences section, the 2 icons and related labels are not shown. If I change the icons then they are shown, but corresponding labels are no displayed.
- The "Winamp2 DSP Plugins" preferences section is not correctly displayed. The right side of the frame of the previous selected section is shown. It seems that in the routine the command that hides the square frame that delimited the options borders has been forgotten here.. :P
(this is only visible if you first select in preferences window a section with width smaller than the Winamp2 one, and then select the Winamp2 section)
BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer
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