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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12th July 2006
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Default Serious audio bug in BSplayer 2.10 build 939

Any type of media file, when played with ffdshow/coreAVC/windows media codecs will result in mono sound, only left speaker output. No amount of fiddling with the audio preferences will solve this.

There's no right speaker output at all!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12th July 2006
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Are you sure it's not something "mechanical", like the plug not being inserted entirely?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12th July 2006
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And also take a look at the equalizer, maybe you moved the balance slider to the left so the right speaker will not reproduce the sound
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 13th July 2006
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AFAIK CoreAVC has nothing to do with audio. FFDSHOW can be configured to process all (uncompressed) audio flowing through DirectShow. So the usual question: What filters are displayed when you click Options -> Filters -> Advanced ? (it's the filters & DirectShow usually doing the job, not BSPlayer)

Do other DirectShow applications output audio properly?
Do other standalone applications like Winamp or Foobar2000 output audio properly?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 13th July 2006
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Yes, Winamp, Media Player Classic, WMP10 all output .mp3 and other file formats correctly. There's nothing wrong with the equalizer, and my system volume control is set correctly.

For some strange reason, playing any .avi file while under "default directsound" does output the sound correctly, but the minute I change the volume in BSplayer windows automatically drags the "wave" volume bar to the left speaker side.

Edit: Actually it seems as though both right channel inputs are completely ignored. I don't even have to touch the volume control on mine, no Front Right or Rear Right audio whatsoever.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 13th July 2006
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Originally Posted by J7N earlier also
So the usual question: What filters are displayed when you click Options -> Filters -> Advanced
And the answer to that question would be ....?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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When playing an Xvid encoded video...

Advanced -> Filters

Default Directsound device
Ffdshow Audio decoder
Ffdshow MPEG-4 Video decoder
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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When playing an Xvid encoded video...
Ffdshow Audio decoder
Look at the confguration of FFDSHOW Audio Decoder. What number of output speakers does it show? Have you checked any processing checkboxes, especially Mixer?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Since obviously Maceart isn't being taken seriously, I'll just say I can confirm the issue he has.

The audio bug is independent of the container, audio format, how many channels the stream has, or even what decoder is used. For me I simply get no audio from the Front Right and Surround Right input whatsoever, don't need to do anything but play a file in BSPlayer. Stereo files have no FR and 5.1 files have no FR and SR, all other channels come out just fine. Nothing to do with Mixing settings in ffdshow either, as I said it is decoder independent and someone would have to be seriously stupid to purposely set a custom matrix in ffd to ignore certain inputs. This is on a completely clean BSP install. So unless special settings are required in the new 2.10 b939 to get right channel audio to work, it seems to be an issue exclusive to this build. As the previous 2.00 b937 does not have all right channels ignored for some reason, one would think that is good.

Someone should actually look into the problem, instead of asking inane questions.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Originally Posted by test
Since obviously Maceart isn't being taken seriously, I'll just say I can confirm the issue he has.
Someone should actually look into the problem, instead of asking inane questions.
I don't know on what you base your "statement" that we are not taking Maceart seriously. Also the questions being asked surely are not inane. They are asked by BSPlayer-users, like Tizio, J7N (and I) who have a serious intention in helping other users. By asking these questions we are trying to narrow down possibilities in an effort to possibly pinpoint what could be cause the other user's trouble (which trouble usually we don't share ourselves, otherwise we could simply confirm it being a bug). If it comes to repairing a bug, we are - of course - depending on BSPlayer's creators (who also read posts in this forum). Again, we just try to help users (and often we have success in that) and at the same time we're also helping the developpers (by sieving the not-so-real bugs from real bugs). So I don't see any reason for your "kicking" against us. If you're so able, why don't you join us and give usefull advices to your fellow-users (in stead of negative comments).
From your post I understand you're confirming this to be a bug which is independent from the different decoders used by BSPlayer. Maybe you can elaborate a bit on that and - by doing so - also help to solve the problem?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Like I said before, FFdshow isn't the problem here. Using Media Player Classic, Zoomplayer, and WMP 10 all yield correct speaker output when playing the same file.

It has something to do with BSplayer's internal audio renderer which is completely ignoring the right channel speaker output.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Ahh sorry, I read this subforum as "Bug Report" where bugs in the player are attempted to be reported by users. Not "Technical Playback Issues" which need to be solved because some user unfortunately made a stupid mistake (I'm sure you solve them all the time n_n). Of course I understand your initial reaction to any bug report. Which would be confirm it is actually a bug and not just a stupid user. However after a few posts I would have thought you would have been able to install the version which was reported, and say "Why yes, all of the audio coming from the Right inputs is dead."

Or is it just me and Maceart being the only two individuals in the world with no audio coming out of our Right channels in 2.10 b939?

By independent of decoder and audio format I mean... it is independent of decoder and audio format. Playing an MP3 decoded by ffdshow, Gabest's decoder, or Microsoft's generic MPEG1 Layer-3 decoder gives no right channel audio. Playing an AAC file decoded by CoreAAC, Gabest's decoder, or ffdshow gives no right channel audio. Playing an AC3 file decoded by ac3filter, Gabest's decoder, or ffdshow no right audio. Vorbis decoded with CoreVorbis, Gabest's decoder, or ffdshow no right audio. Plain uncompressed PCM, no right audio. Etc etc etc. This version of BSP is outputting no right channel audio no matter what audio format or decoder I throw at it. And there is alot to throw.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Correct, .ogg, .ac3, .mp3, every type of audio possible has no right output in BSplayer 2.10 build 939. I just don't understand why.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Originally Posted by test
Ahh sorry, I read this subforum as "Bug Report" where bugs in the player are attempted to be reported by users. Not "Technical Playback Issues" which need to be solved because some user unfortunately made a stupid mistake (I'm sure you solve them all the time n_n). Of course I understand your initial reaction to any bug report. Which would be confirm it is actually a bug and not just a stupid user.
This is indeed the Bug report section, but many times users post here problems that can be simply solved by themselves and not related to a "real" BSplayer bug.

We only tried to collect as much information as possible to narrow the preblem causes (as BSPeter already said above) and find out if the problem was generated by BSplayer or not. And I think that the fact that previous BSplayer releases never had this problem made us think at a misconfigured system in first place (at least it was my thought). But nobody here thought that Maceart is "just a stupid user" (only to quote your thoughts) and even if the problem would had been generated by a misconfiguration it didn't mean that the user is stupid. Nobody born learned and this forum exist for these kind of stuff!

People having problems come here and post the problem, other users ("sometime" with more experience) try to help fixing it and if the result is that the problem is in BSplayer then it will be reported as a confirmed bug..

And if I have to say everything... if Maceart would had read BSPeter sticky post (PLEASE READ THIS FIRST BEFORE POSTING a.k.a. Help2Help) we would had not asked so many things

I myself had not installed build 939 yet, so all I could do was to ask..

Now (thank you for having followed BSPeter's suggestion to elaborate a bit furter) we know that the problem lays in BSplayer. It's confirmed. :)
Now (as for the previous problem that made you angry before) you only have to wait for a fix from the developpers
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 14th July 2006
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Originally Posted by test
.... after a few posts I would have thought you would have been able to install the version which was reported, and say "Why yes, all of the audio coming from the Right inputs is dead."
You´re again approaching this from a negative starting point and making assumptions, which bear no ground. I´m using version 2.10 b939 and I´m also pretty sure that e.g. Tizio is also using this version. And I don´t have your problem, so right now I don´t have a clue what could be causing it, other than the filter used (I´m not using ffdshow) or what Tizio earlier suggested, i.e. that the balance in BSPlayer´s own Equalizer (keycomb.: [Alt]/[G]) was (accidentally) fully shifted to the left.
Puzzled! :?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 15th July 2006
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
...I´m using version 2.10 b939 and I´m also pretty sure that e.g. Tizio is also using this version.
Unfortunally I'm not using the same version (I still have build 933 :P )
Originally Posted by Tizio
I myself had not installed build 939 yet, so all I could do was to ask..
But if you say that you don't have the same problem...we can return to suppose that the problem can be given by a misconfigured system... (even if test made indeed many tests)

@ test
As BSPeter say (and as I previously suggested) take a look at the equalizer balance settings... :?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 15th July 2006
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Not going to re-install BSP to look at the equalizer settings right now, but I'll just quote myself again.

Originally Posted by test
This is on a completely clean BSP install. So unless special settings are required in the new 2.10 b939 to get right channel audio to work, it seems to be an issue exclusive to this build.
When I was testing it, as soon as I installed 2.00 b937 all audio was back. Re-installing 2.10 b939, right channel audio was gone.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 16th July 2006
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Found the error. Quite strange, I must say.

The reason it was outputting only left sound was because on default install, THE EQUALIZER SLIDES ITS SPEAKER OUTPUT TO ONLY THE LEFT SIDE.

And since I switched to my favorite skin right after install, the full equalizer options won't shown, so I had no idea what's going on.

So test, go back to default skin, press Alt+G, slide the speaker bar back to CENTER, then the problem's fixed.

I can't believe how asisine the error was.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 16th July 2006
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Interesting n_n. I think I'll just lol myself to sleep as more and more BSP users install this version and have the equalizer shifted all the way to the left.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 16th July 2006
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Isn't it strange that I wrote these 2 lines in the 3rd post of the topic (and it was my first in this thread, and also BSPeter suggested the same thing after some posts) and you only found the solution after 17 replies and 4 days?
Originally Posted by Tizio
And also take a look at the equalizer, maybe you moved the balance slider to the left so the right speaker will not reproduce the sound
Ok, the bug is in the default values saved after the installation process, so it will be reported, but maybe you "test" should at least read your first post in this thread and ponderate on it (especially last line)
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