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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 31st March 2008
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Default Support for extended mouse control

I am, as probably many more out there, watching movies from my bed and I use a wireless mouse as a remote control. The problem is that when I'm moving in the bed, the mouse moves as well and the arrow appears on the screen :roll: .
So I think it would be great if I could enter some kind of "mouse control mode" by some combination (fast right click + left click) and the arrow would not appear anymore on the screen. In this "mouse control mode" it would also be nice if I could have more control over the playback (wheel up - volume up, left click + wheel up - play backward ...and so on)
...I also have two additional buttons on my mouse (back, forward) - it would be nice if I could configure to use those as well (maybe in combination with other buttons)
...maybe I could also use the tilt function of the wheel (left, right)

...maybe this could be a plugin or something

what do you think? :shock: :?:
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 31st March 2008
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Already previously requested:
As a workaround you could probably hide mouse pointer at (e.g.) top-right or bottom-left of the screen (and then let the mouse rest on its back?).
Did you already try to (re)define your mouse-buttons/wheel:
rightclick > Options > Preferences > Key definitions & WinLIRC?
Select function, then place pointer in either of the two boxes at north east and then press mousebutton/wheel.
If the definition is already in use, BS.Player will tell you in the south-east corner.
(Note you have to define separately for full screen and for windowed mode).
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control, extended, mouse, support

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