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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 27th December 2004
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Default About .bsi files! How I run 2 films in one .bsi file?

I have all films in my Hard Drive. The .avi has the name:
films CD 1.avi
films CD 2.avi

If I made two .bsi files work. But i want made only one file. Because is bether. or how i put the second file in another folder? For made one list of all films that i have, i want see in one folder for any films.

Can you help me?

Sory for this bad english!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 31st December 2004
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(Also referring to your related post)
If you need to define specific options for your 2CD-movie-files by using bsi/ini-files, you will indeed need four files for each movie.
Originally Posted by In a [url=
post by Quietseb on 7 Feb. 2003[/url] he]you'll need to make one per movie file. you will have for example:

my_movie_part1.bsi will read:
Title=Movie Title
my_movie_part2.bsi will read:
Title=Movie Title
(note there is no FName1)
I would experiment with the value of Directory= (.=current directory) to have the actual moviefiles "out of sight" in another folder, so that in the folder, where you would select your movie to play, only the bsi/ini-files (i.e. in your case 2 per movie) are shown.
(By the way, did you know there is a utility to create ini/bsi files for you, i.e. HWLauncher.)

However, it may perhaps also well be worth to experiment with BSPlayer's playlist-files for your purpose. Though I've not tested it myself, I think this method allows you to have the playlist-files in one folder and the actual movie files e.g. in a sub-folder thereof. To make a playlist-file: rightclick on BSPlayer's skin and select "Playlist". Now, with explorer, just drag the two files of a movie to the playlist. Set options (Aspect/Pan-scan/Full screen). Rightclick on playlist and save the playlist-file (giving it the name you want).
(Let us know if that alternative is working for you.)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 1st January 2005
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rodrigozanatta is an unknown quantity at this point

don´t work... This is my .bsi file


Directory=C:\Filmes - C (10 Giga)
FName=Spartacus [?‰pico][1960][Dublado][CD 1].ogm
FName2=Spartacus [?‰pico][1960][Dublado][CD 2].ogm
AudioName1=Dublado - Portuguęs

Directory=C:\Filmes - C (10 Giga)

the second file has only "CD=2" changed. But... In the folder has only 4 bsi file (I want made for all films, about 90, but I made for only 2 films and don´t work.) When he go to next CD, the program open this:

Directory=E:\Filmes - E (60 Giga)
FName=Identidade [Suspense][2003][Edi?§Ä?o Especial - Sem Cortes][2 audios][CD 1].avi
FName2=Identidade [Suspense][2003][Edi?§Ä?o Especial - Sem Cortes][2 audios][CD 2].avi
AudioName1=Original - Inglęs
AudioName2=Dublado - Portuguęs

Directory=E:\Filmes - E (60 Giga)

Why? I don´t now, and... this is the first CD of another films...
Whel... If you go to made a bether suport for .bsi file, I can test for you. I will write .bsi files for more then 90 films...
Is you made only one line whitch nextbsi=filebsi2.bsi all probleman finish!
But is bether if you made suport to made 2 bsi files in only one.
Write for my e-mail: if you want to I test for you, I will love made this!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 7th January 2005
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you read this bspeter? Do you like? I can´t run 2 films one after other. Only if there are two bsi files in one folder that work.. If have more .bsi files, when he goes to run the next file, i don´t now what file he go to run.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 7th January 2005
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Yes, I read this. But that's not so important. More important is that bst who is the maker and developer of BSPlayer also reads it and I'm sure he does indeed.
(I'm just a user like you, trying to be of some use and help to other users. Unfortunately it doesn't seem I can be of real assistance to you on this.)

P.S.: By the way: did you meanwhile experiment with play-list files a bit, like I suggested?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 9th January 2005
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rodrigozanatta is an unknown quantity at this point

Who... I so sorry. I thing you is the programer of bsplayer. Hehehe.. sory to busy you..
Thanks for your helps.. It´s a very help for all peoploe of use the program..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 9th January 2005
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No problem, I'm always glad if I've been able to help someone!
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
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bsi, films, run

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