Grey Screen in playing ASF files But OK Sound
1. I like the Program -> Great Program!!!!!!!!
2. When Playing Asf files I got Grey Screen And A good Sound. Those files are OK with Media Player 7 (Win2K)
My COnf: Pentium 4, NVida 2 , 256MB RDRAN ...
I have tried to change the CtrlP-> Overlay from 1 to 2 But The program Crash. Also , when I have tried to change to Force 24 BIts ort If I completely Eliminate the use of Overlay!!! All Give the same results No Video Only Sound!
BUT:!!!! When I installed the ffdshow-20020617.exe BSplay was showing The Asf video!!! The downsize of this that The qulity of the Asf result Are VERY VERY BAD As compared to The same file on Media Player. Also The Frame rate dropped from 30fps to around 5 And I got A very Big Blocks on the picture The 8 By 8 pixels. Its completely Unacceptable to look.
3. Also Can You recomend me on mpeg-2 codecs to install in order to lokk on mp2 files with bsplay ?
Thanks In advance.!!