BS Player v100.808
BSPlayer v1.00.808, Unhandled exception at EIP: 00492752
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
External exception C0000006
, 0x004F044F, 0x004F064D, 0x004535D3, 0x0044A91E, 0x77D13A50, 0x77D13B1F, 0x77D13D79, 0x77D14374, 0x004F1738, 0x77E614C7
Bytes at EIP: 81 38 4F 67 67 53 75 11 8B C7 E8 13 FF FF FF BB 05 00
=> This error occurs anytime I am opening a video .VOB file from the original DVD "Harry Potter & Secrets Chamber". this occured also with the previous version.