WHAT EVER DUDE! ...didn't mean to attack you neither.
The comments I threw were my own, I don't know what other people think about your program. In my opinion it's good, but there are many things that don't belong into my ideology of an program like this.
I know as a developer it's hard to judge your own program...logicalness, how easy it is to use and so on. I mean, you know your own program better than anyone, all the tips and tricks, but for a first-time-user it's perhaps not this way. Perhaps some people think my program is unlogical (=hell of a mess) or hard to use...or too simple as you say.
Basically I don't even support launcers anymore. F.ex how do you think BSCD or HWlauncer systems will work, say, 10 years from now on?
I just had to finish this BSCD project, since a program like BSCDmaker was my intention when I released the first (manual) BSCD package...I just did not have skills to do it back then.
..And the initial version of BSCDmaker WAS made during last november. I studied Delphi7 whole autumn to make it.
...I'll see if I can find you some 0.98 binaries if you don't believe me. :roll: