well, to clear some things up first (both for myself and others): i have no graphics card. it is integrated onto my motherboard. i do not see a 'card' type of object when i open the case up, so not sure what to look for to find the maker/manfacturer. also, since this was fine under win98, i can assume that something changed by simply running win2k? like my drivers, or something?
Your problem is, obivously, that the drivers for your ingegrated gfx (whather it is, but you SHOULD tell us) dont under W2k support the overlay well - probably the YUV modes support are missing
this is what makes me wanna double check. it would be the OS, not the point that i have changed anything (the reason i'm stumped is b/c nothing changed). something that is acceptable to 98 but not to win2k? thanks, i wanna make sure i understand this before i go any further.