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Old 10th August 2004
gnoub gnoub is offline
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Default NAV update of 9 August 2004 causes BSP to slow down A LOT

Hi everyone,

this is my first post on this forum, and this is due to mine looking for explanation why since yesterday, BS player is slowing down A LOT (approx. 45 sec to open a file, and this is so on both my 2 PCs), and also why it sometimes crashes down ("program is not responding) when I get nervous and try to close BS.

I have discovered the cause for all my troubles : Norton Antivirus !!!! :evil:
My laptop, which automatically updated yesterday its NAV virus definitions, drove me mad, but then it was the turn of my standard PC, this morning.

Actually, this is not such a big deal, because the solution is simple : each time you guys wish to open a file with BS, right-click on the right-bottom NAV icon first (if you own NAV, of course), and then choose "disable auto-protection". BS player will open as quickly as usual ! Then you can right-click again and select "enable auto-protection".

I hope, however, that symantec will do something to correct this slowing effect, because it also affects ... Klite !!

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