there's a simple and long way to do that (it's long because you have to do it for every file type):
start windows explorer
tools --> folder options
file types, select the file type you want to modify , e.g. AVI
select "play" action
set default
there's much talking about the registry today so I'll add my bit:
you can do it via the registry too => you can make a .reg file which will do it for every file type you chose next time you need to set up all these.
just start regedit.exe, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIfile\shell
and file->export registry file
this creates appropriate .reg file
same for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mpegfile\shell
and so on
merge all the .reg files together (notepad and copy/paste)
make sure you have default action set to "play" for every file type (and of course the play thing does exist and is associated with bsplayer
what gives us something like that for AVIs:
@="&Play with BsPlayer"
@="D:\\Program Files\\BSPlayer\\bplay.exe \"%L\""