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Old 19th June 2002
Kylose Kylose is offline
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Default Certain files won't play

For seemingly random video files, all avi/divx, certain ones cause the player to crash and close. I can't find anything that the failed movie files have in common. No other effects have been observed that have occurred to the computer or any other files. I'm running Windows XP with a 1.7 GHz P4 and Radeon 8500, latest directx and video drivers.
I've tried installing a previous version of bsplayer and I get the same type of error but referring to the bsplay.exe instead of Any and all help would be appreciated as I find BSPlayer to be superior to all other players I've tried except for this bug.


BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 1D1C4BB6
Application will be terminated.
Access violation at address 1D1C4BB6 in module ''. Read of address 00000000
, 0x004B289F, 0x004B2B01, 0x004520AF, 0x0044971A, 0x77D43A5F, 0x77D43B2E, 0x77D45874, 0x77D458A4, 0x77F5108F, 0x77D47076, 0x00449629, 0x00437803, 0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77D43A5F, 0x77D43B2E, 0x77D45874, 0x77D458A4, 0x77F5108F, 0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77D43A5F, 0x77D43B2E, 0x77D45874, 0x77D458A4, 0x77F5108F, 0x00434EA8, 0x0044C1DF, 0x00434CEF, 0x004374CC, 0x00437537, 0x0044C1DF, 0x00434CEF, 0x00433C59, 0x004C382F, 0x77E7EB69

Bytes at EIP: 8B 08 FF 51 10 85 C0 7D 11 EB 5D 33 C0 8D 7D F0 AB AB
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