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Old 23rd December 2002
c@rcio c@rcio is offline
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Default Plz help! can't play some movies

I don't understand! Yesterday all my movies worked, and today some movies don't work properly. There's no image, at least there are the black stripes but no image from the movie. Sound works fine. To finish, there is a green stripe on the upper side of the screen.

The only thing I changed is installing an EAX driver from the Mafia cd, because I had a problem with sound in the game, although my sound card is not EAX so maybe it's because of that. I uninstalled this driver but it didn't change anything.

I uninstalled Divx 5.02 Pro for the 3.11, same problem. I didn't do any major change from the time all movies worked fine until there was this problem.
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