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Old 5th September 2004
David_South David_South is offline
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Hi I've noticed this too.
Sometimes it seems like 75% of the skins I have don't load correctly showing the BSplayer default instead.
(It's probably like one in three or four but that is still way too many.)

Is it possible that this has to do with a changes in the syntax of skins files?
I like the syntax changes i've seen but this complicates life.

I've been reading "how to" with working but mediocre results.
This is a great thread here someone that starts with a solid explanation of what extentions mean and in replies updates some of the outdated and incomplete undertsandings. The problem is that as I read it it seemed like a progressive cascade of confusion. i.e. I'm a newbie and trying to keep track of and filter out bad and out of date information is frustrating. No sooner do I find the only detailed webpage on the net than I realize syntax and some other things have changed.

BSPlayer is great. I love the Sapphire skin, but have my own ideas about a hotkey cheat sheet menu. Also I'm sure that a lot of things in the right click menu can have keyboard short cuts added to support them.

My goal is to creat a more compact and powerful Sapphire inspired skin, without making buttons smaller!!! (Some skins use rediculously small or badly unlabeled buttons.) A lot of thing could just list the key command labels.

Anyways there is a lot of creativity out there.
A good "how to" or explanation of extentions and syntax would be very helpful.
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