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Old 25th February 2005
Derry Derry is offline
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Well, my 2 cents worth.

I was in a similar boat. Wanted for Network buffer. Tried a crack. not work. Sent a message asking. Told, just buy the "real" version. Sent a message back saying can you "guarantee" that the Network buffer will work. Response... "Of course". So bought. Installed on notebook...not work... installed on second notebook...(just in case)... not work. Installed on tower... not work. Sent a message of to tech support...SILENCE. That was months ago. New version came out a few days ago, thought I would try that. Same thing.

When I say not work, I mean, there are pause/stutter in playback. I get about 10 hickups in a 45 min tv show. Real annoying. I have played with settings, overlays, etc. Nothing fixes.

I am using 11b wireless to my notebooks, and with buffering off, or just using WMP, I get about 15 or 20 stutters/hickups per 45 min show. So something is working... but not totally.

I have the buffer set to 15 MB, but have tried it at 100 MB, and once it is full, it shows that it stays full, but I still get the jitters.

So be warned... buying will not fix. The cracked version did exactly the same on one of my notebooks. And yes...I wasted $30. Stupid me.
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