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Old 2nd November 2005
rscaputo rscaputo is offline
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Default Problem with Xvid File: sound with no video

Hi I'm new on this and yes I've read that beginner's page...

The problem I have is that with one particular AVI file encoded with Xvid, Bsplayer just playback sound and the video is only a static all messed screen.

I´ve tried with VLC, same thing, but this time the screen wasn't static but it keeped all messed.

I've tried with Windows Media Player, and finally it works, the playback was not very good, it seems to be jumping from frame to frame... but i could at least see the video working.


Computer - AMD processor 1.1GHz, 120 Mb RAM, windows XP 2002 with service pack 2, video acelerator 8 mb

Bsplayer - V 1.36 Built 825

VLC- V 0.8.2

WMP - V 10

Gspot tells me that everithing is ok with file, it was encoded with Xvid and it should play well with direct show.

Xvid codec - XviD-1.0.3-20122004 _Final Release_

Obs.: the other Xvid files plays well, no problem... just this one, but gspot said the file is good so I'm believing it. (I'm a believer) :D

Thanks a lot for everyone who helps, or at least try it.
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