Hi everybody and a big problem I have...
I installed the BSPlayer Version 1.37 building 826 11 Dec 2005 because I couldn't see the .WMV files I download from Internet in the previous version I had. It said "Can't find DirectDraw Surface" and nothing more (altough the Windows Media Classics run them very well)... I have a Pentium III Celeron with 1GB RAM and memory of 128 RAM, with DivX 6.0 installed and DirectX 7.0 too...
But recently I installed the ACE MegaCodecs Pack who brings BSPlayer with it but it failed as I mentioned before... BTW I uninstall WMP 9.0 and Quicktime I had installed but nothing...
At this momento I'm reintalling the DivX 5.21 who I obtain from your links... and I will see what happens but it's very rare that because after using BSPlayer I could see any WMV in my WMP 9.0 except some files of MPEG4 and that was the reason of the problem...
If you can help me I will thank you very much