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Old 25th March 2006
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Thanks for your input. But this has nothing to do with Microsoft support for Windows 98. It has to do with BSPlayer incompatibility with Windows 98..above version 1.36.825.

Also i am running DirectX 9.0c..which also works ok with BSPlayer 1.36.825.

If there is a page fault and runtime error it has to do with the code in BSPlayer for the versions above..1.36.825...It is something in the code for bsplayer.exe that calls a module that Windows 98 doesn't like...!!!!!

Anyhow thanks for your in-put..!!!

Keep those ideas coming....and as i said before i want someone else to install any versions above 1.36.825 on WINDOWS 98....and let me know if they get them to install and execute ..properly...!!


§teve.... :idea:
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