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Old 26th March 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Originally Posted by J7N
Windows 98 had DirectX 5 by default and first thing to do after installation was to install 6.1 - 7. I hope I will be able to test v1.39 on my other Win98 (FE) machine today.

Update: I was able to start v1.39 on the other comp [DirectX 8]. However, the startup time was MUCH longer. You might never notice this on fast machines, but it's a fact. The only obvious difference from v1.36 was a new goddamn NeoLite protector.

Unfortunately the testing ended there as the system no longer worked properly without a sound card.
(I deleted your previous message since you put only the [deleted] message in it )

So you are telling that (even if in a slow way) the installation process is supported also by Win98..

Are you sure it's NeoLite? I'm pretty sure it's not neolite (if you want I can tell you which one is used, I don't think it's a scret :) ), but still the same protector as always from 2 (and maybe 3) years to now..
However the protector used is pretty slow on old machines, especially with some antivirus (not updated Norton, McAfee v7 and later etc.. It's a bit faster with NOD32)..
You can notice this majorly on Win 9.x systems instead of WinXP ones because WinXP uses a better handling of the simultaneous processes, while with old Windows the pc hanged until the antivirus unpacking process was ended..
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