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Old 20th April 2006
adicoto adicoto is offline
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Default BSPlayer build 1.41.832 and XviD 1.2

I am sure I do have XviD 1.2 installed on my system long time ago (short after it's release). But I can't recall to have this problem until build 1.41.832.
If you open a XviD file, everything is ok. But when opening the second one:

BSplayer v1.41.832, Unhandled exception at EIP: 019B0228
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
If you have internet connection, it's recommended to send error report, this will help us solve problems faster.
Access violation at address 019B0228. Write of address 00000001
Call stack: 00000000,019B0228,0040482B

And also:
Runtime error 216 at 0040431E

Same thing if you have the first file opened in another aplication and open the second file in BSPlayer.
I will try to see if you open 2 files without BSPlayer involved what does it happens.

EDIT: WMP and Mplayer2 don't want to use XviD decoder. They stick to Intervideo MPEG4 decoder. Strange. Don't have other players.
EDIT 2: If I open the file first in BSPlayer and second in the other aplication, all work like a charm. But if BSPlayer is the second, I get the error.
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