Originally Posted by sleeplessrevolution Iam honestly very confused with this ogg thing. It has ogg vorbis,ogm and now OggDS?.. Iam not sure what to do with this and which really is the important part to install sorry. And what do you mean by DEMUX and how to do that? Furthermore, what will happen if I do demux it? |
Ogg is a free multimedia container, optimized for streaming. It can contain one or more streams, such as audio, video and subtitles. To watch an Ogg file you must properly split (demux, demultiplex) it into these elementary streams in realtime.
Vorbis is an example of audio format usually contained within Ogg container.
Iam using the avi splitter and quartz.dll that came with my MP10 or SP2 still supports MPEG-4 files, so eventhough I don't have the three codecs in my system my avi file would still run when played.
A splitter is supposed to split, not decode video.

BTW, if you unregister all mp3 filters, such as l3codecx.ax, MPEG Layer-3 will still be playable if you have an *.acm decoder installed. The ACM decoder won't show up as a filter, as well as
VFW decoders.
Adicoto, can you pls explain this further to me?