You didn't get it, don't you ? Let's say that I download a file from the internet. It is splitted into 150 archives. It contains a video file. Should I download all 150 archives (2.25 GB) ? Or should I download just one file (15 MB), see it's content and decide that is what I want or not.
Or, let's put it like that: I am a subtitle creator. I want to be the first in the world to make a subtitle for a movie. First archive (from 150) is on my hard drive. I can start to do the subtitle if I can watch the file inside.
Want more explanation ? About why I am interested into such a function ?
As I've said, I can drop any of the volume onto BSPlayer. That means I don't need to have all, just one. BSplayer don't deceompress all the file (nor RAR). I am sure you can notice when a 700-800 MB file is extracted onto your computer.
And is not an MPEG file, it's the image of a (S)VCD disk.