Found a great solution within BSplayer
for this you will need the latest wmpasf.dll which you can get easly by
1.) downloading mediaplayer 11,
2.) then extracting the installer with winzip or whatever to a directory,
3.) Then from there extract WMP11.exe to another directory
4.) Copying the wmpasf.dll from the WMP11 Directory, to your \windows\system32 directory... overwrite the file
Now for the BSplayer stuff (so obviously open BSplayer, if it was open close it and reopen it)
1.) go to Preferences -> Filter Management -> Filter Manager
2.) click "Register filter"
3.) Find wmpasf.dll in \windows\system32\
4.) Click OK
5.) Close the preferences
6.) Restart BSPlayer
7.) Enjoy!
The problem was... On one PC where it wasnt buffering... the Windows Media Source Filter pointed to wmpasf.dll.... and on the PC where it was buffering it was pointing to dxmasf.dll ... So i tried re-installing WMP11, which did nothing... so I manualy added wmpasf.dll into bsplayers filters updating the dxmasf.dll and it WORKED!
The problem was for some retarted reason sourcefilter in bsplayer pointed to dxmasf.dll instead of wmpasf.dll