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Old 20th February 2003
Sepi Sepi is offline
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Default one simple feature request

Here is my idea for an improvement of a feature!! (would come very handy to me and a lot of my friends who share a similar problem)

Under subtitles option you can select a default directory from where the program reads subtitles if there aren't any in the movie root directory.

Here is my suggestion:

Instead of selecting a single directory you can select several (2 or 3)!
The program would then START looking for the subtitles in the FIRST selected directory then in the SECOND and IN THE END if there aren't any subtitles in the selected directory only then it would look in the movie root directory!


Selection: c:\subtitles;cdromdrive:\english;

If there are subtitles with the same name both on CD and Harddrive, The ones from the Harddrive (first selected directory) would be selected!

The subtitles on the harddrive are corrected or a better translation or have been additionally changed (framerate, delay) than the one BURNED ON THE MOVIE CD!!

This feature would be VERY handy!!

Please REPLY if you have a problem that requires a SIMILAR SOLUTION.
(more reply's = more interest by the programers to implement this feature)

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