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Old 12th October 2006
Walt Disney Walt Disney is offline
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Default [SOLVED]When playing from Cd2, Cd3 does not play...

Hello, when i play a film that has 2 Cds, when the cd1 finishes, the cd2 starts automatically

But the problem comes when a film has 3 Cds.

I have the same name for the films except cd1,cd2,cd3.

So when cd1 finishes, Cd2 comes but then when Cd2 finishes, the cd3 starts.But when i start a film from Cd2 then when it finish, the Cd3 does NOT start automatically!!!!!

So i have to go to the folder and double click on Cd3????


It's not a problem of the new version or anything, i;ve been having this problem long enough, so i decided to post

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