Thread: What to do
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Old 9th April 2007
adicoto adicoto is offline
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So, basically, the CRTs are 4:3 format, and if the image you are playing is 16:9, to achieve the width of the screen the player must add black borders on top and bottom. Same thing will happen on your friend widescreen when playing 4:3 files, the player will add black borders...but on left and right, to achieve the full height of the movie.
If you play a 16:9 file and want to keep the whole information then you must have black borders. You may also zoom into the image, but you will lose some parts of the image. Did I made myself clear ?
On the other hand, if you have a wrong aspect ratio (faces are too thin or too fat)you may wanna check the options you have by pressing shft+1, +2 and +3.

LE seems there are indeed some widescreen CRT. Let me check a little. Can you post here the model ?
LE2: cut top and botom does apply to widescreen when playing 4:3 files. You will notice a zoom inside the image.
LE3 Seems that most of the CRTs are 16:10. Like my laptop screen. You will have small black borders on top and at the bottom. But some 10 % of the image.
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