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Old 7th July 2007
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Hi Ballad!
Yes, your last sentence is right, it doesn't really install anything ;)
In fact, I think before v2 came out, it was possible to download the installer OR the ZIP version.

Anyway, try to remove all BSplayer folders (with v1.36 you should have only one in C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSPlayer\), then re-install the program and then uninstall it via Add/Remove control panel function.

I don't know why your computer freeze if you try to uninstall it when you have already deleted BSplayer folder, since you should only see a message saying that the Add/Remove entry point nowhere and asks you if you want to remove it from the uninstall list...

Anyway try the above steps, that way you should be able to get right of it.
Bye ;)

Can I ask you why you want to uninstall BSlpayer? :)
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