Thread: playlist
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Old 16th October 2007
logicom logicom is offline
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Default playlist

1) Playlist should have an option to show total lenght!!!!
2) While transiting from one to another entity in playlist there is a big 1-2sec black screen (gap) while player recognise format and load proper decoders and filters... and ocupy again overlay video... it is almost eternity
Transition from one to another entity in playlist should be buffered so on video out - secondary screen (TV) all should looks like it is joined video - continuous!!!! it is enaugh like simple cut but like this is right now, it is too much unprofessional for pro version!
3) There must be incorporated serious script capabilities for playlist so it could be possible to play something at 5.32.21 PM etc.....
4) Would like to have an option to overlay diferent logos and asign them to diferent entities in playlist.
5) In key definitions there is no listed open device (TV tuner) and at the end of playlist I would like somehow to automaticaly switch to TV tuner, rather than to use macros.... how ?
6) When I make playlist i would like to have side information when exactly something will be played not to take calculator....
7) Why setings like subtitle font size, and its screen position could not be memorised once and always be the same ?

Then BSPlayer PRO would be player from my dreams.
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