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Old 23rd March 2003
LDV LDV is offline
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Default Play DivX3 and Xvid without the codecs installed

hi, im new and i wanna know this

once, in a forum tell me that BSPlayer can play DivX files without the codec installed on the system... how?

a file called "bspfilters.dat" must contain:

[BSPlayer filter def file]
AddFilter,{82CCD3E0-F71A-11D0-9FE5-00609778AAAA},DivX 3.11 (if movie was compressed with DivX3)
AddFilter,{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71},DivX 4.12 (if movie was compressed with DivX4)
AddFilter,{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71},DivX 5.02 (if movie was compressed with DivX5)

and in the "filters" folder, the divx5 (or the most new vrsion) decoder:

if my movie are in DivX4 i only have to put AddFilter,{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71},DivX 4.12

and it works perfectly (on DivX4 and DivX5 files) but doesnt works with DivX3 files

i think than i have the wrong code (82CCD3E0-F71A-11D0-9FE5-00609778AAAA) for DivX3 and for that i cant play this files.

and i wanna know if exist the way to play (in the same mode) Xvid files having the decoder (

please if somebody can answer me ill be grateful for it

The (Web) Master
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