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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 22nd December 2007
adicoto adicoto is offline
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The purpose of the sample was for you to see how a real HD file look like. Your hardware it's close to the minimal requirements but your hard drive couldn't match the transfer rate requiered. That's why the stuttering. ANd the usage of 80 % CPU even the file waqsn't playng correctly. CPU was decoding in time the data transfered, but the HDD wasn't sending enough data to decode.
If you are looking for an upgrade, buy a videocard that is having HD support (BR and HD DVD)

Offtopic :lol: I do also have a lot of files in folders with a text file and an URL, but never had this problem. Weird, isn't it ? It's the option "load any subtitle in current folder" enabled ?
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