Problems with BS player on my projetcor
I have an Asus X51R laptop (CoreDuo @ 1,86 Ghz, 1 GB Ramm, Ati X1150 on-board, shared memory)...
I installed BS Player 2.15 Pro and K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 3.53a (and 3.70 but unninstalled after)
I cannot see movies on my second screen, which is a Benq projector!
The problem is not on my projector, but on BS Player because I can see movies with Windows Media Player
Can anyone help me set up the right settings on BS Player so that I can see movies? I repeat, I can only see the player, but the movie rectable is black... ohhh, musn't forget, subtitles appear also, but NO IMAGE!
Where more is meant than meets the ear!