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Old 12th October 2008
SH1oN SH1oN is offline
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Default Smart Stretch Suggestion

I use BSPlayer for DVD playback 'cause it's absolutely superior than other DVD playback programs.

But, there's one annoying defect wich happens when I want to watch on my widescreen monitor some DVDs or hardsubtitled videos that have 4:3 aspect ratio. It's that after cutting off picture when switched to fullscreen a half of 2nd hardsubtitled line or in some videos whole 2nd hardsubtitled line is also cutted off. So the only way to get the full subtitle is to swith to fullscreen with changing of video's aspect ratio and that gives me also abnormal and annoying picture to watch.

So I would like by this way to give suggestion to implement so called "smart stretch" option in BSPlayer, cause it's the best way (as much as I know) to switch 4:3 videos fully in widescreen with minimally abnormal and annoying picture as a result.
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