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Old 20th November 2008
markt markt is offline
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Default aspect ratio bug in 2.33.976

In bsplayer pro 2.33.976, when pressing "A" to cycle aspect ratios, instead it resizes the video window to the size that would have been used by the new ratio, and then displays the video in the same aspect ratio as it was, but with black vertical bars at either side, or on the top and bottom, to compensate for the new "fake" aspect ratio, while not actually changing the ratio of anything but the window frame itself.

The ratio changes correctly for a split second before the video scrunches up and the black bars appear.

Aspect ratio works correctly in version 2.32.975, with the same setup and same ffdshow version on my pc, so I have downgraded until this is fixed.

I am using:
Vista Ultimate 64-bit (x64)
ffdshow "version Oct 26 2008 16:11:24 (msvc 2003, x86, unicode)"
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