i have UAC dissabled.
I tryed all of rendering mode and with some mode is setting of color controls saved with another not.
(i need brightness about -20 for real black color i dont know why it is in bsplayer lighter then in WMP)
Internal renderer Direct Drav surface:
seting of color control saved but change of brightness have no efect in VISTA.
Internal renderer overlay:
seting of color control saved but it is not good for VISTA aero. And minimum of brightness is 0 i need -20.
Internal renderer RGB mode:
seting of color control saved but change of brightness have no efect in VISTA.
Internal renderer RGB overlay:
my system dont support it.
my system dont support it.
seting of color control saved and i can set brightness to -20. BUT movie look like in low low resolution.
seting of color control is NOT saved. I can set brightness to -20 but i must do it every time.