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Old 6th April 2009
Jelly-Han Jelly-Han is offline
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Default My Suggestions To BSPlayer

To BSPlayer Team:
I have been using BSPlayer for a while, and I have some suggestions for you.
First, about "Preferences". The words are too small and look one-dimensional. In another word, it is not pretty and makes my eyes tired easily. It is not as cool as the skin.
Second, about language, especially Simplified Chinese. I am Chinese, and my English is not very good. The Chinese language file is not perfect, still have some English there. Someone have translated all English words into Chinese, but sometimes BSPlayer show some unknow words and that confuses me. I hope BSPlayer can support Chinese perfectly.

Here are two pictures about Simplified Chinese language bug.
Picture 1 is bug, the characters before 0x0 are wrong, and I don't know them.
Picture 2 is normal.

Writing English is so tired, I have to take a rest now.
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File Type: png 1.png (1.1 KB, 30 views)
File Type: png 2.png (1.4 KB, 31 views)
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