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Old 18th April 2009
F u r u y á F u r u y á is offline
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Exclamation Unexpect behavior of frame by frame playing

Suppose I'm watching a movie and I want to see frame by frame a specific scene. What I would normaly do is:
  1. seek for the scene ["left" and "right" during normal playback]
  2. wait for the exact moment and press pause ["c"]
  3. then watch the scene frame by frame ["left" and "right" with the movie paused]

In step 2, the expected behavior of BS.Player is to pause the scene in the current frame (the frame of the instant I pressed "c"). And that's what older versions of BSPlayer do (eg. v1.37).

However, in newer versions (v2.x), in step 2 BS.Player does not pause the scene in the current frame; instead, it pauses in the first frame of the last seek from step 1 (ie the first frame of the step 2, which is not the frame of the moment in which I pressed "c" because I've waited a few seconds before pressing "c"). You can try it for yourself and see if this happens to you too (try with XviD or H.264 movies).

BTW, I noticed that this happens with videos which use 3rd party codecs (XviD, H.264). With MPEG-1, even newer versions (v2.x) of BS.Player behaves as expected. I must say that my codec installation is good and clean (my system doesn't have any collision of codecs). This is not a codec problem, I confirmed that is a issue with newer versions of BS.Player (I tried different codecs but the result was always the same).

I'm making this post because I really like this feature of BS.Player: I can easily frame by frame any scene I want and when I press play again, BS.Player replays the scene in normal playback. That's just perfect to watch some crazy tricks in skateboard movies
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