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Old 29th May 2009
adicoto adicoto is offline
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I will try to read this thread once again from the beginning and express an opinion.

As far as I can see, there are 2 issues here. The first, the One, the biggest, is your OS. Seems we are talking about VIsta 64 ? (Or seven ?). Since Vista came up (and on seven too), DMO is preffered rather than installed DirectShow filters. I can confirm this behaviour on seven too, as DIvX and Xvid are hard to put to work as decoding filters. So, the filters used by BSPlayer are affected by this behaviour.

The second issue. Gspot identifies the filters ABLE to decode the streams. As the video stream is identified as Div5, it can be decoded by XviD decoder, by ffdshow, by DivX, it is normal to have at least 3 options. The audio part is MP3, decoders that can be used are: built-in MP3 decoder (DMO), ffdshow, Lame (seems you installed LAME too). As far as I know (I may be wrong) DMO can't be used by installed programs (gspot, virtualdub....) only if are written to use DMO rather than DirectShow filters.

Now, for what I've seen until now. BSPlayer doesn't use LAME decoder, so, it can use MS's or ffdshow to decode. As it's Vista -> it will use DMO, rather than ffdshow. For the video part, BSplayer can use DMO, ffdshow, DivX or Xvid, this will also be the preffered order under Vista.

Graphedit.....can't acces DMO, so, it will uses the second one in priority, which is...ffdshow.

PS: DMO are not DirectShow filters

LE: IIRC, there was another report that BSPlayer install of ffdshow messed up system install.
BSPlayer's installed codecs are not internal (as MPC have) but rather system independent (external ;) )
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