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Old 14th July 2009
PHNX PHNX is offline
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Thanks Peter, i already found this when i checked the Base myself but thats not it.

In the case of these five AddSkin Functions, (including Radio and TV as 4 and 5), there must be more to it than just the plain numbers because numbers 1 through 5 are already occupied by other functions.

Example from Base skin.ini:



As you can see, 1 and 2 are VolUp and VolDown, yet they are supposed to be Video and DVD as well. Of course this cannot be, since one parameter cannot call two different functions in the same program. So the question is what are 1 and 2 really? The answer is they are definitely VolUp and VolDown, which means there must be some sort of 'trick' to reuse 1 and 2 for Radio and TV in the AddSkin Section.

And this trick (or better yet an absolute keycode) is precisely what i am looking for, because this goes for 4 and 5 as well. I dont know what functions 4 and 5 normally are since a button does nothing with them, but i can assure you they are not Radio and TV.

In any case thanks for your trying to help, i hope some dev can shed some light on this because it would be a pity if i couldnt complete my skin because of such litte details.

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