Originally Posted by BSPeter No such problem here using BS.Player Pro version 2.43 Build 1008 (21-07-09).
I repeat my suggestions (plus some additional): (rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles > [Online subtitles] (1) Deselect (i.e. uncheck if checked) "[ ] Enable online subtitles" (2) also deselect "[ ] Download only if local subtitles are not available" (3) as well as "[ ] http://www.opensubtitles.org/xml-rpc" (4) Maybe close and restart BS.Player. (Just another question in between: are other changes in preferences remembered the next time you use BS.Player; if not, there may be another issue fooling us around!) (5) If after that you're nevertheless asked by BS.Player: 
reply with "Don't" selected (as shown)
Only if the above doesn't help:
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles > [Subtitle properties] (6) Select "[ v] Subtitles disabled" 
You actually didn't reply if you tried as indicated ( 1-6) by me, whereas your info concerning the version you're using (on which version has the problem and/or which version hasn't) is a bit confusing. I know there has been a version in the past which had this bug (can't remember which though; maybe it is indicated in the file changes.txt; I'll have a look). |
Ive made all the things you say there but it stils apear the stupid box, and the box that apears in here, dosent have the option, of not showing that message again, the only solution that i have found is that whe must put a big, but realy big number in the option of online subtitles where it says: Download only if the film is biger (min) i have puted 9999, ther, it is a easy solution, but i also expect that this bug is solved in the next version of BS.
The version that started with this problem is the newest, the one that i had the 2.41.1003 didnt had this anoyng bug, but when i updated it, it apeared right after the update.