Originally Posted by BSPeter Tizio, please correct me and make this real Italian!
Questo versione di BS.Player è solo per l’uso personale e privato a fini non commerciali. Non ne è consentito alcun uso a scopi commerciali.  |
Sorry for the late reply, but in last couple of weeks I had problems to connect to the site..I was always presented with a 404 page not found message..
Peter the sentence you translated in Italian is almost perfect

Exception made for the gender of the first word ("questo" should had been translated as "questa"), it is already in a good and legally valid Italian
(Have you copy-pasted it from another software license text? Maybe it was "Questo software...")
Anyway I have just rewritten the first sentence as follows
English original: 'This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities.'
Italian translated: 'Questa versione di BS.Player è destinata esclusivamente ad un uso privato, personale e non commerciale! NON ne è consentito alcun uso a scopi commerciali.'