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Old 5th May 2003
LoS LoS is offline
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LoS is an unknown quantity at this point

funny thing, but i have this error for a few days now. i don't know what caused it because i use bsplayer 086 build 494 for a few months now and with no problems. anyway, i got the EXACT error as you and more than that i've observed that it won't crash at the end at the movie but at the end of the playlist. i've tried to uninstall different codecs with no results. i use win xp / divx 5.0.4, xvid and a few others. by the way is there hope for a new version to patch this? again, it used to work _nicely_ since a few weeks ago... as for the framerate, it happend once to oscillate but since then it worked flawless. except that annoying crash.
hmm... this is the place for a real lame signature. like this.
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