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Old 4th December 2010
Azorel Azorel is offline
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Default Subtitle directory (saving sub.)

Hello all,

I just downloaded the new free version of bs player and I sow that each subtitle what it gives me and downloading it throws in the file of
C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSplayer\cache\
so I went to settings>preference>subtitle and set that each time when new subtitle will be downloaded it will save to a directory named "Subs" in the folder where the movie is. Now here comes the problem:
- it does create the folder "Subs" but not in the same folder where the movie is, it create in the previous director where my movie is stored (i.e. Action/[movie folder name] the Subs would be in Action and not in the "[movie folder name]"), to make it worst, he don't even put in the "Subs" the downloaded subtitle, he put it in the:
C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSplayer\cache\

Can someone tell me what is wrong here? Or I could jump back to the previous free BS Player version?

Thanks in advance for any tips or help.

PS: Sorry for my bad English.
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