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Old 13th April 2011
Woody Smith Woody Smith is offline
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Default SOME, Not All, OSD Settings Won't Save

I've been using BSPlayer for years now, currently at v. 2.57 build 1051, and only recently (although it was a couple of versions ago) has this problem arisen on my Microsoft Vista-based computer:

I can no longer save my settings for the OSD -- the OSD will only display time and percent played. I have used the user preferences interface to try to change this setting every way it can be changed, using my user account (which has administrator privileges anyhow) and running BSPlayer as administrator, and it simply will not save specific changes to my choice of displayed items, although I can change the font and I can change back and forth between the new and the old OSD modes.

I would prefer my OSD to show time and time remaining.

I have looked into the BSPlayer.xml files and I find the following lines related to the On-Screen Display:

<osdPos type="int">1</osdPos>
<osdl type="int">10</osdl>
<osdr type="int">10</osdr>
<osdt type="int">10</osdt>
<osdb type="int">10</osdb>
<osdbgclr type="int">0</osdbgclr>
<osdalpha type="int">80</osdalpha>

But these only seem to be related to the OSD size and position.

Later on in BSPlayer.xml:

<OSDOpt type="int">39</OSDOpt>

and still later

<OSDBURLS type="string">*|*|*</OSDBURLS>

and another further down related to the font, which I found to be self-explanatory.

Any help, and why can't I set them in the settings/preferences interface as I used to be able to do? Thanks in advance.
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