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Old 21st August 2011
VincentU VincentU is offline
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Default BSPlayer Crashes when I turn on my TV


I'm running Windows 7 SP1 x64.
This is about the latest (2.57) BSPlayer Version.

I have my TV connected to my Computer via HDMI.
I've set it so that the movie displays on my TV and that the sound still comes out of my computer's stereo system.

Anyhow, if I start a movie in BSPlayer when my TV is on, then there is no problem.
But when I start a movie in BSPlayer and then start my TV BSPlayer Crashes :(

Here's a screenshot from when I just turned on my TV:
Official BS.Player forums

Resolution of my TV: 1920 x 1080
Resolution of my PC Monitor: 1440 x 900

I've also sent the bug report (with link to this thread) :)
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