Speaking about resolutions - does not the widow get enlarged automatically to fill the whole screen using fullscreen mode???
But i agree, and futhermore, nobody wants to see 8 or 16bit resolutions, so, they should be removed from the list, at least optionaly.
Not to mention that BSplay dont remember the selected fullscreen resolution - well, it does, but dont show it into prefs at all.
A little bit confusing, at least. :roll:
Anyway, i miss an option what tell the BSplay to do NOT scale the video into fullscreenmode into any way, just center it.
This will greatly help to improve a playback quality - just switch to resolution, what the movie have (most are 640 pixels wide) and then dont scale a thing = you get a beautifull picture, at least if your resolution feature doublescan to eliminate the microlines.
More infos there: