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Old 4th January 2012
ssdevious ssdevious is offline
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Thank you Peter!

1) Yes, I'm using the current version. Interesting / weird thing is that my old version (2.57 I believe, plus it was some BETA..) never had such issues. But yes, atm. I'm using 2.61 1065.

2) Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

3) EVR: I found somewhere that the EVR might be causing this, so I switched, one by one, to all other available alternatives and one was worse than another. One killed my Aero, another most likely kept Aero on, but the video (720p rip) looked really rubbish, plus the subtitles looked awful, in EVR the subs had just a tiny black contour around it, very thin and very sharp, but with any other renderer it looked really terrible, certainly no-go way.

I will try the "New Subtitles Parser", the other one ("Anti-Aliased") was already on. And read that other post.

Certainly this is no FREE version limitation? It's all .mkv doing the same, I haven't tested on .avi or others, because I frankly have no idea, where to get an .avi video atm., all movies are in .mkv these days, 720p and 1080p rips, unless it's full untouched BluRay.

Thank you a lot for your assistance, I really appreciate it.

Best Regards,
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