My Bsplayer does not work
Hello. I always view my videos with bsplayer, it´s my favorite, on saturday i´ve to format my pc and now when i want to see videos again with bsplayer, i can´t, bsplayer show the following message:
BSPlayer V 0.86.499, Unhandled exeption at EIP:1D1C4E86 If you click Close apllication will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Acess violation at adress 1D1C4E86 in module Read oh adreEAccessViolation
,0x004C8BDB,0x004C8E55,0x004526B3,0x00449D1E,0x77D 67B17,0x77D
Bytes at EIP:8B 08 FF 51 10 85 C0 7D 11 EB 5D 33 C0 8D 7D F0 AB AB.
This what it shows qhe i want to see a video with bsplayer, please i need what i have to do to take this error off.
thank you for your attencion.
best regards