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Old 18th January 2014
lois lois is offline
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Default Access and using subtitles

Why the subtitles can only be used online and are not permanent?

I access a file in my external disc in my network and bsplayer loand the legend every time i see the file, aand every time i have to select the correct file it doesn't download the file to the location off the movie like other subtitles program's. The same appens in file stored on my tablet.

I used the paid versions i can't understand why it can not download perment the subtitle file directly to the location off the movie file and alow us to use it every time we want to see the movie.

I move series and files on my tablet, like every one, each time i see them, i would like to save the subtitles witth the movie or serie in my external disc to see them any time later.

For example i have a multimedia disc that can play files with subtitles conect to my television and often i use it to see a movie. Why i cant use the subtitles from the bsplayer?

Thanks for your attention.
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