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Old 28th February 2014
whotheff whotheff is offline
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Default I confirm this bug

I have this bug since v 5.58. Video freezes, sound keeps playing while a windows alert sound repeats until i stop bsplayer.exe with task manager. It always appears after the movie passes 50-60% of total runtime. It does not matter if i rewind forward or anything else. There is no way i've found so far to prevent it.

Here is a paste of the bugreport.txt after the last crash:

process id : $7ec
allocated memory : 161,51 MB
command line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Webteh\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe" "E:\Movies\Rear.Window.1954.DVDRip.DivX3LM-SENTiNEL\Rear.Window.1954.DVDRip.DivX3LM-SENTiNEL.avi"
executable : bsplayer.exe
exec. date/time : 2013-09-27 11:23
version :
compiled with : Delphi 7
madExcept version : 3.0h
callstack crc : $ec53f2f8, $78bae723, $78bae723
count : 39
exception number : 18
exception class : EInvalidOperation
exception message : Canvas does not allow drawing.
and a few rows lower there is record from the same movie:

madExcept version : 3.0h
callstack crc : $8d07ba35, $8b1f18d3, $8b1f18d3
count : 13
exception number : 27
exception class : EOutOfResources
exception message : Error creating window device context.

In the .txt there is a record from older crash - there are two rows of

"exception message : Error creating window device context" for it.

Difference is 5 seconds between events, so the second one might be cause when i killed it with task manager.

I hope this helps to fix it.
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