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Old 14th March 2014
adicoto adicoto is offline
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At this moment I am sure that this problem it's not created by BSPlayer itself or Windows configuration. I am runing 7SP1 x64 and never had such problem. I have installed a large number of computers but until recent, had no such an issue. Couple of months ago I have installed a computer for a friend of mine using the same Windows kit I use for my computer. His computer started to show such problem.
So, at this moment I believe the cause for the problem it's either hardware/drivers caused, a power management software (that, for example try to put computer to stand-by while BSPlayer is runing) or, not impossible, a poorly cracked PRO version.
As the number of harware comfigurations posted here AMD/Intel CPUs, Nvidia/AMD GPUs, x86 and x64 Wndows 7, I believe it's difficult to find a common point so, when possible to visit my friend, I will try to pinpoint one of the others possible causes.
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