from what adicoto says, it may be the same as the HW color controls but anyway it's not a bad thing to know where these settings stand ;)
to open the display settings dialog box, right-click on the desktop and select properties.
then to access the video card settings: go to the settings tab and click on the advanced button
after that, accessing specific settings depends on your video card manufacturer.
- for my ATI card, I've got the generic ATI driver/control panel: there are several tabs that were added to the standard video settings tabs. one of them is labeled overlay
- for my nvidia based cards, I've got the generic nvidia driver (detonator). it has only one tab but when you go on this tab another menu appears on the left of it; one of the items of this menu should be labeled overlay (I guess... the systems on which I have nvidia cards are in french..)
- for other cards, I can't tell
If no application uses overlay when you want to access the overlay settings, they may be disabled. that's why I said you should play a movie when changing overlay settings